Into the Soul - Spiritual Poetry

These poems are what arrive when I invite that "something deeper" to speak - that blessed madness that spins planets and curls toes. Feel free to share your thoughts on them. (...and thanks for all the great feedback. I don't always have time to comment back -- but know that I am most grateful!)

Sunday, July 06, 2008


Dear Lord,

Give me a poem --

A poem that will shatter my mind

and rip open the ebony doors of my heart

may my chest explode from your heavenly light

ablaze in rainbow feathers

I wish to be like Belize,

with its winged ones

that circle the canopy of jungle

to alight next to the soft cool

chatterings of waterfalls

humming the tune

a forest sings to newborns.

Sometimes, like a poem

I can't help but bleed into the God around me

No memory of being separate

circling like sages

in the dawn mist

dancing to the Ocean

begging to be drawn back in again

awash in the foam and the crackling rocks

to ebb and retreat...

ebb and retreat...

spending eternity

brushing up against

my own skin


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