Into the Soul - Spiritual Poetry

These poems are what arrive when I invite that "something deeper" to speak - that blessed madness that spins planets and curls toes. Feel free to share your thoughts on them. (...and thanks for all the great feedback. I don't always have time to comment back -- but know that I am most grateful!)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


With a tongue
wet with kindness

and a heart blessed
with eternal sunshine

I speak these words to you

withstanding all
life has to offer.

I billow in wineskins of reverie
remembering that white light
cadence we all sprang from

before we were flood into orbit

before we became a nationed Earth.

I tell you this,

I will chalice myself
upon the parched dried
lips of the Christ
inside of you

and feed myself to you
in words and sweet songs

until your Urkraine
and Denmark

and Great acres of Kansas
all resonate in unison

with the words



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